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Introducing Susan to The CC Crew

It is with pleasure that we welcome Susan to The Crew! Susan is a Kiwi who relocated to Tassie six years ago with her husband, Paul and son Nate who is 10 years old. She is also now officially an Aussie!

Susan is an emergency nurse who is also doing her Masters degree so is a very busy woman and tells me that she is looking forward to the shoot and a few days away from the craziness of everyday life.

Susan and her family love bush walking, which is the main reason they moved to Tassie. Before moving to Tasmania, they live in a remote Aboriginal community for 4 years - Susan's husband is a nurse as well.

Susan says that her #cossieconfidence message is that you can still get out in your cossies and enjoy yourself, be sun smart and not have to worry about melanoma. Susan is a redhead with fair skin, so she is loving all of the cossies that are so popular now and that offer more protection!

Drop Susan a message to say Hi and watch out for her in the upcoming #CossieConfidence shoot.


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